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7 Yoga Poses to Help You Relieve Your Sciatica Pain

3. Standing Twist

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This is somewhat of a milder version of the previous stretch we discussed. The whole point is to bring one’s thigh into internal rotation and adduction. Start off by placing a chair against a nearby wall.

Now just stand with the right side against that wall, in order to give the right hip a proper stretching. Your knee should be bent 90° as you put the right foot onto the chair. Now try and maintain balance by keeping the standing leg as straight as possible.

You should also place the right hand onto the wall. Proceed by turning the body toward the wall after you have lifted the left heel as high as you can.

You should also make use of both hands to keep up your balance. Exhale, lowering the left heel to the ground. Make sure you are properly maintaining your twist.

Now just let the right hip descend, all while making sure your hips are relatively levelled. Hold this yoga pose for several short moments.

More Sciatica Stretches

Hamstring stretches are also rather popular when it comes to the role of relieving one’s sciatica pain. You see, there can be a tightening of your hamstrings along with your surrounding muscles, which leads to a constructed sciatic nerve, something which is to be avoided.

Such sciatica pain often occurs from daily activities like driving (particularly for long periods of time) and this especially when one’s car seat tends to encourage a rounded or slumped posture. It can also occur during any athletic activities.

In the case that it does indeed occur, take a break from such activities immediately, and proceed by doing the hamstring stretches we are about to show you.

4. Hamstring Stretches (Standing)

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Start off by placing the right foot on some kind of support, such as, say, a bench, chair or even a table. It all depends on where you are at the moment and what you can find to use for proper support. The foot should be placed either below or at hip level.

Your toes and knee should also be pointing straight outwards, and your leg should be in a straight position too. Your quadriceps are also engaged in such a position.

Furthermore, in case your knee has a tendency to either hyperextend or lock, your best solution would be to use a microbend in order to protect it.

Also, be sure that the hip of the raised leg is releasing in a downward motion instead of being lifted. But be careful not to let the foot or leg turn outward either.

Hold this yoga pose for several short moments, and then repeat on each side. In case you want to perform a deeper stretch, what you need to do is bend at the hip crease over the leg. Your quadriceps should be firm and your leg and spine as straight as possible.

You can alternate this pose between both legs, or you can completely concentrate on your affected side. Either way, hold it for a few short moments.

Another 3 Yoga Poses to Help Open Your Hips

In order to rid themselves from any sciatica pain, most people avoid poses such as the baddha konasana (also called ‘cobbler’s pose’) which helps to tighten one’s deep hip rotators by actively rotating one’s thigh outward.

On the other hand, the poses that should be used are the ones which passively stretch one’s hip (and one’s thigh is rotated externally), as this is what helps us get rid of the sciatica pain.

5. Modified Gomukhasana

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This yoga pose, also referred to as ‘cow’s face pose’ is a great example of passively stretching one’s hip rotators. Your starting position is a sitting one on the ground, with both your legs extended forward.

Proceed by bending the right knee and bringing the right leg over and across the left leg.

Now by using your hand just draw the right foot as close to the outer left hip as you can. Next, move the left foot to the right across your midline. Using both hands placed on the floor, proceed by lifting and wiggling the hips until the knees are stacked.

The right knee should be above the left. Hold the right foot still using your left hand. Breathing in, lengthen and lift going through the spine to your head’s crown. While exhaling, try folding forward and bring the chest towards the knee.

Your neck should be relaxed and outstretched. Keeping your spine extended, try and move like you are bringing the navel towards the knee. Now just hold this yoga pose from a few short moments to 1 minute (or even more), then simply repeat the whole process with the other side as well.

6. Hip Stretch – King Pigeon Pose

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Raja kapotasana (or some also called it ‘king pigeon pose’) can freely be titled the strongest of all the piriformis stretches. That’s why we have put it last, following the ‘save the best for last’ philosophy.

Your starting position is on your knees and hands. Proceed by bringing the right knee out to the right. You should also bring the right foot forward, at least until the heel is aligned with the left hip. The shin should also be at about a 45 ° angle.

In order to properly protect your knee, keep the foot flexed. Now lean the upper body forward and tuck the left toes under. Then walk or slide the left leg right back.

This allows the right thigh to passively rotate while the hip descends towards the ground. This is all for stretching your right piriformis. Make sure the hips are square to the mat’s front and level with the floor.

Be careful not to allow the pelvis fall to one side or turn in any way. You can support the right hip using a blanket. Now just stay in this yoga position ranging from a few short moments to a whole minute.

7. King Pigeon Pose – Easier Alternative

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But remember: in case you happen to find this pose simply too difficult or intense, you can always opt for a variation instead. Namely, you can place the right leg onto a table and lean as forward as you can, making use to maintain balance on the table using both hands.

Then, just walk your left foot back. This should be easier to do than the other yoga pose.

We sincerely hope this information and these yoga poses will prove helpful in soothing any sciatica pain. If you practice them regularly enough, you are bound to reap the benefits.

Via: Yoga International | Prevention

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