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8 Amazing Foods to Lower Uric Acid Naturally

Uric acid is a chemical that our body creates automatically through decomposing substances called purines. The following are the foods where we find purines: liver, fish, seafood, beans, peas, lunch meats, sodas, beer.

In general, the body is able to dissolve uric acid through the blood. It then travels through the kidneys and is completely eliminated through the urine.

In spite of this, some people are not able to eliminate sufficient quantities. This is due to the fact that the body generates this chemical in greater quantities than it should.

In this case, it can cause a variety of ailments:

  • Continual and excessive inflammation of the toes and fingers, causing a lot of pain.
  • Crystallization of uric acid that causes kidney stones.
  • Change of PH in the urine that also causes a lot of kidney stones.

8 Amazing Foods to Lower Uric Acid Naturally

Luckily, with a healthy diet, it’s possible to regulate and lower uric acid naturally.

In this article, we give you the keys to a healthy diet.

1. Artichokes and uric acid

Artichokes are the best option to lower uric acid naturally. They contain many minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. They are also rich in fiber and protein.

Thanks to its diuretic properties, this food not only will help you eliminate uric acid but will also eliminate many toxins through the urine.

The best way to consume artichokes is to take advantage of all of their properties in the following way:


  • 500 g. avocado


  • Wash the avocados before cooking.
  • Put them in a pan with a quart of water.
  • Boil for at least 40 minutes
  • Serve however you like

As well as eating them whole, you can also consume the broth from the concoction.

2. Don’t forget onions

Onions have a great variety of uses for illness. Like artichokes, they are excellent to reduce levels of uric acid that is in our blood.


  • 2 onions
  • juice of 1 lemon


  • Peel two onions and cut them in half.
  • Put them in a pan with a pint of water and let boil until they are well cooked and soft.
  • Put the water in a bottle and add the juice of one lemon and let it soak.
  • Drink this mixture throughout the day. If desired, onions can be consumed using other recipes as well.

3. Squash

Also cooked like winter pumpkin, squash is a diuretic that eliminates excess uric acid naturally.

You can prepare this delicious and nutritious food in the oven or boiled and it will always provide all of its properties to our bodies.

4. Apples and uric acid

This delicious fruit is excellent for our health when we suffer from an excessive accumulation of uric acid. It’s able to eliminate all of our excess toxins. Also, it is able to get rid of them in a natural and harmless way.

As with squash, it can be consumed boiled, baked, or of course naturally.

5. Celery

Celery is known for having purifying effects that allow it to control and eliminate excess uric acid in our blood. We can eat it raw, cooked or however we would like it.

6. Chicken

As red meat increases the level of uric acid, chicken decreases the levels very easily.

In addition, eggs are capable of doing the same thing.

7. Carrots

Carrots should not be left out of the diets of those who suffer from excess uric acid. Like celery, carrots are capable of eliminating excesses of this chemical.

Carrots can be consumed fresh, baked, or in juices, and they will always provide what you need.

8. Water is indispensable

Water should be included in any diet. It doesn’t matter whether the person has too much uric acid or not. At least drinking 2 quarts daily are recommended.

Drinking sufficient amounts of water will allow the production of more urine. This better eliminates the toxins found in the body.

Some extra recommendations

If you want to lower uric acid naturally, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Do not consume fruit in excess. It converts into purines that your body is not able to metabolize.
  • Cook all food thoroughly so that you so that you eat the least amount of purines.
  • Besides drinking 2 quarts of water daily, including infusions and juices.
  • Avoid fasting and eat moderately throughout the day.
  • Eat seaweed and dried fruit which helps control uric acid.
  • Make sure to consume at least 1 gram of calcium daily in order to avoid pain and arthritis.
  • Moderate or eliminate salt.
  • Completely eliminate alcohol.

If you follow all of these recommendations, you will be able to control your levels of uric acid. You will also be able to live a normal and healthy life.

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